Newsletter No. 1/2021
Exceptional situation with raw materials for epoxy resins and -hardeners
To begin with, we wish our customers and business partners a healthy and successful new year 2021!
In our first newsletter 2021 we do not introduce innovations but would like to inform about an absolutely unprecedented exceptional situation concerning the availability of raw materials for epoxy resins and -hardeners, and the consequences thereof.
As you may have heard from other sources, epoxy resins are not available in sufficient amounts anymore on the European market. This also applies for the precursors of epoxy resins [epichlorohydrine (ECH), bisphenol A (BPA)], and partly for some standard amines. Still available amounts are allocated by the suppliers, prices are skyrocketing. The most important reasons therefor are:
- Long-term breakdown of manufacturing capacity at global suppliers of epoxy resins due to accidents or extended maintenance operations;
- Similar situation at suppliers of ECH and BPA;
- Lack of logistical capacity for transportation from Asia/China to Europe – costs of transportation have increased dramatically;
- Recovery of domestic economy in Asia, especially China, where the Covid-19 crisis practically is overcome.
We assume, that we will not see a relief of the situation on the resin side till minimum end of Q1/2021. Already since November 2020, when the first signs of a worsening raw material situation became visible, we have made huge efforts to stock raw materials to be able to serve our clients with our products. Of course, we keep a finger on the pulse. Our goal for the future and the purpose of hard work is to always ensure the availability of our products in well-known quality. However, already today we would like to ask for your understanding if we have to announce delivery delays caused by the outlined raw material supply situation. Due to the higher raw material prices, which increased by more than 100% in the meantime and are further increasing, we also have to reserve the right for price changes in due course.
For further information or questions please approach your usual contact person!
Details on our products can be found in our product brochure or on our website at
All recommendations for use of our products, whether given by us in writing, verbally, or to be implied from the results of tests carried out by us are based on the current state of knowledge. Notwithstanding any such recommendations the buyer shall remain responsible for satisfying himself that the products as supplied by us are suitable for his intended process or purpose. Since we cannot control the application, use or processing of the products, we cannot accept responsibility, therefore. The buyer shall ensure that the intended use of the products will not infringe any third party’s intellectual property rights. We warrant that our products are free from defects in accordance with and subject to our general conditions of supply. SRS-Meeder Synthetic Resin Systems GmbH